The aim of the NPQH Additional Support Offer (NPQH ASO) is to provide structured, unassessed face-to-face support based on the best available evidence about what makes an effective head teacher.
The support offer is available to those in their first 2 years of headship, who have EITHER completed the new/reformed NPQ before becoming a head OR are currently taking the existing NPQH. The ASO will be a targeted package of support aimed at new headteachers, and based on the content of the new NPQH, which has been reformed to ensure it is underpinned by the latest and best evidence. Those teachers who are currently taking the existing NPQH will also be eligible for the ASO (if they are in their first 2 years of headship).
While one main focus of the new NPQH is on helping participants to ‘think like leaders’, the NPQH ASO is intended as a complementary programme that focuses on helping participants to ‘act like leaders’. Therefore, NPQH ASO is seen as the meaning-making phase of self-reflection, observations, analysis of one’s leadership and development as well as its impact on the school and the school improvement process.
The programme will be focused on the known challenges that new head teachers face - SEND, exclusions, HR, governance, budgeting and school development planning – to provide practical exemplification and guidance.
In the early Spring each year, a regional conference will be held for all NPQH ASO participants in one of the Outstanding schools within our partnership regions. The conference will provide opportunities for network building and to ‘see it, name it and do it’ following the principles which underpin the NPQ programmes. This will include a narrated visit around the host school focusing on specific leadership challenges; nationally renowned keynotes and facilitated workshops to explore and apply the learning in their own contexts.
The programme is made up of a blend of synchronous and asynchronous components totalling a maximum of 4.5 days plus optional self study. Online and in-person synchronous sessions will be delivered in regional cohorts in order to build networks, with content provided by national experts from within and outside our partnership.
Cost: Free to all eligible participants
Scholarship funding available - click here for more information
Programme length: 6/12 months
Start date: November 2021 or February 2022
Assessment: None