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EAL Co-ordinator Training: Embedding a Whole School Approach to Improving Outcomes for Learners with EAL - The Bell Foundation

This practical blended course (a mix of online and face-to-face components), aims to enhance the way EAL co-ordinators work with teachers and teaching assistants in primary and secondary settings, enabling these practitioners to plan and prioritise effective provision for EAL learners. It will introduce guidance, strategies and resources to build upon existing skills, and consider ways in which EAL co-ordinators can help colleagues to embed a whole-school approach to supporting EAL learners within diverse multilingual classrooms. Participants will develop an understanding of how best to meet the needs of all EAL learners through effective induction, progress tracking and provision that integrates a targeted language focus in all classrooms.

This three-component blended course, with differentiated material and content for primary and secondary EAL co-ordinators, is designed to work around the busy lives of those within the education sector. With five hours of study, comprised of three hours face-to-face and two hours online, this course enables practitioners to work at a manageable pace with plenty of time to process course content and apply relevant insights to their contexts. The course is designed to be highly interactive and collaborative, with opportunities to work with other course participants, course tutors and course materials.

A certificate will be awarded for successful completion of the course.

Who is this course for?

  • EAL co-ordinators

  • Heads of department

  • Other school staff with responsibility for EAL

Component One:

Online tasks (with differentiated tasks for primary and secondary practitioners): completed at participants’ own pace over a two-week period

Time commitment: Approx. 60 minutes between 7/10/2019 to 20/10/2019

Deadline for completion: 20/10/2019

To get to know the course, fellow course participants and the course tutor
To reflect on the place of EAL learners within the national context
To consider how to meet the requirements of the newly proposed Education Inspection Framework from Ofsted in relation to teaching and learning diverse multilingual classrooms
To develop a (better) understanding of the key roles and responsibilities of the EAL co-ordinator by exploring relevant research, resources and policy documentation

Component Two:

Face-to-face, half day training (3 hours), to take place in late October/early November at three locations (including Middlesbrough on 8 November 2019). Full details to be issued to participants before the end of the Summer Term.

Time commitment: Three hours

To assess areas of strength in EAL provision within individual settings and to identify areas for development
To develop an even better understanding of how to fulfil the EAL co-ordinator role within individual settings
To explore practical resources, guidance and strategies that can be used by EAL co-ordinators to enhance the learning outcomes of EAL learners

Component Three:

Post-course online tasks (with differentiated tasks for primary and secondary practitioners): completed at own pace over three-week period

Time commitment: Approx. 60 minutes between 08/11/2019-29/11/2019

Deadline for completion: 29/11/2019

To create individual action plans for the development of EAL provision that are evidence-informed and can work alongside existing school systems and processes

Course Tutor:

Kamil Trzebiatowski joined The Bell Foundation in September 2018 and holds the post of Digital Resource Developer. Prior to joining the Foundation, Kamil spent 18 years teaching English as a Foreign Language and English as an Additional Language (Poland, England and Scotland) in mainstream secondary classrooms. He was an EAL co-ordinator at a secondary school as well as an EAL consultant/trainer (2014-2018). Kamil holds an MA in Corpus Linguistics and an MEd in Inclusive Education.

Cost and how to book

The cost for this course is £70 per person.